"How IDP helped my work-abroad dream come true!" - Nivedhika Muthuswamy

"My move from Chennai to Melbourne was handled perfectly and supported enthusiastically by my team. They made sure that I received guidance in each step of the process which made my transition seamless."

"How IDP helped my work-abroad dream come true!" - Nivedhika Muthuswamy

IDP Education
05 April 2022

When I walked into the IDP Digital Campus Chennai, August 2019 – I had no idea that IDP would be playing such a huge role in helping my global career aspiration the way it did. We hear about IDP helping students study-abroad dreams come true all the time – my story is about IDP helping my work-abroad dream come true.

I began my journey with IDP as a Senior Content Coordinator in the Chennai – Digital Campus and loved the IDP work culture. So much that I decided to check if perhaps my plans of moving to Australia down the line could merge with IDP’s global job opportunities. After checking and getting a go- ahead from IDP management on whether this shift from Chennai to Melbourne would be possible, I confidently applied for roles in line with my career goals.

I have always aspired to use data science and artificial intelligence to drive content strategies and IDP has given me the opportunity to contribute towards the next best action project where we will be personalising content for each user.  I am excited to see what kind of value I can bring to this space!

My move from Chennai to Melbourne was handled perfectly and supported enthusiastically by my team. They made sure that I received guidance in each step of the process which made my transition seamless. 

I love being part of such a welcoming and friendly team. I still remember how they welcomed me with donuts and goodies and had even worked out the shortest route from my home to work. They offered me all kinds of guidance to help me settle down in this new city and new country. They made me feel at home. What more could I ask for?

And even though the pandemic set my travel plans back quite a bit, IDP was monumental in arranging everything the moment international travel flew back into the picture.

And of course, my success story was one in the making from the moment I walked into IDP. At my role in Chennai - I had slowly built a team of content authors and administrators, connected with global stakeholders, and helped oversee a huge digital transformation for the brand IDP IELTS. I had the privilege to be one of the very few content managers across the globe to experiment with a headless CMS and structured content. And this association made my global journey and progress into a role based out of our IDP Melbourne office a possibility.

The culture at IDP is fantastic and people centric – whether you’re in the Digital Campus, Chennai or the Melbourne office, or anywhere else. Teams are collaborative and encouraging with a positive work culture – quite rare to find.  I’ve also had great managers who have guided and moulded me all through my IDP journey into the professional that I am today. The faith and trust that they’ve shown in my capabilities has given me the confidence to approach and solve problems systematically.

I would also like to specifically mention that IDP ensures that every staff member dedicates time towards their personal development. It is a part of our KPI and there’s no way you can get past it. How fantastic is it that self-development is a KPI at IDP?

What I love most about my journey with IDP is how I am encouraged to think big and out of the box. And how the hierarchical lines blur during discussions - suggestions being welcome from every corner of the room.

If you’re looking for the kind of work culture to thrive in, this is it. IDP doesn’t just throw around buzz words – it invests quality time and effort in developing and helping its people find their best career paths.

This is what it means to work at IDP.

This is my IDP story – are you ready to start creating yours?