Nifemi Ibijoju celebrating cultures

Nifemi Ibijoju
18 December 2024

Nifemi is our People Experience Manager for Sub Saharan Africa, ensuring our people have a great employee experience

Celebrating cultural differences, becoming more aware of cultures, and learning from others.

“Africa is very rich in culture and diversity. In Sub-Sahara Africa, IDP operates in Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana and each country has many dialects and ethnic groups. In Nigeria we have 525 dialects and native languages across three ethnic groups. There is so much beauty in the different cultures, of each country. A few years ago, we started a tradition and each year we dedicate a special day to share and learn about our different cultures.

We chose a day that wasn’t aligned to a particular national or cultural recognition to celebrate the beauty of our people’s food, dress and dance. Colourful and loud celebrations were held in our offices in the three countries. As people walked into the office in their cultural attire, there was clapping and cheering. There was so much appreciation and respect, it was beautiful.

During the day we had snacks that represented different ethnic groups. At the end of the workday, we played music and relaxed. There was some great dancing, the Ghanaians in particular, know how to dance! People really appreciated the whole day. I saw a different side to people, and I loved watching our people showcase their ancestry and indigeneity with pride.

We shared videos and photos across the countries, sharing dress and indigenous songs, which were received so well. I didn’t know much about Kenya and Ghana, and now I know a bit more due to everyone’s interest to participate. Things like, Ghanaian snacks are presented in colour, like their indigeneity. Kenyans seem less loud and more reserved than Nigerians. I liked the tambourine in the Kenyan music and found the vegetables they cook with very foreign!

Nigerians are loud and we love food. Our vegetables are more local and less English inspired, and we grind our vegetables in the food preparation process and eat them mostly raw.

Feedback received was very positive. People thought it was a great initiative so next year we will arrange it again and be back in full force with even more food. The workplace was more relaxed and friendly during the celebration. It’s beautiful to see ourselves and each other beyond the working person. All that richness of cultural diversity is so stunning.

The time of year helped us to enjoy the celebration and diversity. People are starting to wind down and get into the Christmas spirit. For me, Christmas is a favourite time of year with all the decorations and to feel the sense of achievement of all the hard work during the year.

I encourage everyone to embrace the different ethnicities of the people and countries they work with. It is beautiful and fulfilling.”

Thank you, Nifemi, for enhancing our experience and opportunity to learn.

#ItsUpToMe to be curious and accepting.